Comedy Circus Ke Ajoobe :
Gender-Switch Special - Empowerment & respect to women is the spirit of the season. The 'Ajooba's' of Comedy Circus seek to discuss and display the plight of the 'Abla-Naari' by getting into her shoes for a day, in this 'Gender-Switch' special.AN insightful episode, with a pinch of salt.Mantra's wife Shweta has left home after a fight & refuses to come back. Suddenly, his boss wants to have dinner at his house & insists on having dinner made by Mantra's wife. Mantra is then forced to call on his friend, Siddharth, to play his wife for the occasion. Watch this hillarious episode to find out what happens next."
There are 7 wonders in the world and Comedy Circus is the 8th.. CC has survived for 5 years where NO OTHER comedy show could survive for that long... The set has glimpes of the 7 wonders of the world and the 8th being the show artists perfoming on that stage.. which is why they are the AJOOBAS of comedy Circus...
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