Paxman has a general sneer at the world of the Media:
The Invention of News by Andrew Pettegree
The news – noisy, self-important and often pointless?I wonder if he meant those lap dogs at Cardiff University who provide the BBC with so much academic cover for their bias when he said this?…..
Reporters in rehab (now often posing as professors of media studies) have endlessly tried to define precisely what constitutes this thing “news”.
Ah those terrible Murdoch/Dacre tabloids…
One newspaper tycoon after another has got rich by alarming us with tales of neighbourhood cannibals, killer diets and secret Liberal Democrat tax plans.
Paxman questions this conclusion by Alain de Botton:
News “now occupies a position of power at least equal to that formerly enjoyed by faiths”.
Paxman says: ‘The plain fact is the news is nothing like religion. It does not propose the existence of a supernatural being. It does not lay down rules for life.’
Unfortunately that’s precisely what the new priesthood of the media, the Leftwing media in particular, does do…they set out to preach, and regulate how everyone should lead their lives.
Paxman tells us…..De Botton’s cure for the indifference that afflicts so many of us when confronted with tidings of some awful human tragedy far away is for the news to be less preoccupied with accuracy and more with advocacy.
Well you know….that’s pretty much a description of the BBC’s news output now….more advocacy than accuracy.
Paxman continues: ‘The machines clank away noisily but not necessarily to any great purpose. It matters not very much whether anything important has happened, the TV and radio bulletins will make their self-important appearance at the designated hour and at the designated length. The newsreaders’ ponderous sobriety demands our attention. But why should we give it?’
The news – noisy, self-important and often pointless? asks Paxman……well he should know.
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